Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The HUB plays "Cut to Ribbons" at NYU

specified by Chris Brown

Cut to Ribbons specifies that each player in the network plays event-streams of sonic events (called 'ribbons') whose character is algorithmically composed using parameters shared with the rest of the ensemble. These parameters include: pitch, amplitude, timbre, tempo, rhythm, duration, density, and phrase duration. Each parameter is sent to one other player in the network at the moment the ribbon is triggered, and each player must allow any parameter received to replace his current value for that parameter, although he may also manually adjust any of his parameters at any time. Another parameter called ÒtuningÓ is broadcast to all players at the start of each ribbon, and is used to control stochastic deviation from the other parameters in the composition algorithm; but each player chooses only one other player's tuning data as an influence on his own process. The purpose of this system is to create a complex feedback network of data exchange, so that the ribbons generated are all influenced by each other, but each each player retains the freedom to play their own sounds at times of their own choice.


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