Friday, September 23, 2005

Hub Renga

Here is the first of several old HUB pieces that I am going to podcast. HubRenga is from the 2nd Hub CD which is still available from CDEmusic. In a 1999 article for electronic musician, Tim Perkis, described it this way.

"HubRenga was a live radio performance, in collaboration with the Well, a computer bulletin board and messaging system. The Hub was connected to The Well through a dialup line in the studios of KPFA radio in Berkeley. The public could dial up the Well from their home and type in lines of poetry which would be read aloud on the air; this stream of text also was fed directly into the Hub computers, which were programmed to respond to certain "power words" in the text with musical actions of each composer's choosing. In the weeks leading up to the performance The Well poetry community had collectively compiled this list of power words. "



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